Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Next Generation

With the Attitude Era fading fast from our memory, and the last remnants of the wrestlers from that time finishing their careers, it is now time for the E, more than ever, to push their young stars. Triple H isn't getting any younger, and there are only so many more Wrestlemanias the Undertaker can dominate. The next generation should be exciting, but they need to avoid injuries and hope creative gives them the proper gimmicks to start a wrestling revival. So without further ado, here are Superstars that should be leading the WWE into the next decade.

John Cena
You can harp all day on whether you like him or hate him, but the fact of the matter is he is here to stay. He has become the face of the WWE among a slew of veterans, and has been booked to be unstoppable since adorning his 'Marine' gimmick. Cena may be limited in the ring to his '5 moves of death', but he is still a great showman and puts the butts in the seats. The only thing Cena needs to be dominant and a mainstay in the main event, is just one heel turn to break up the Superman-like persona that many hate with a passion. Many feel he would jump ship for an acting career in the future, but Cena, unlike the Rock, seems committed to wrestling and most likely will be a lifer if his body can take it. Just please for the love of God, give him a new gimmick soon.

Randy Orton
The top heel in the game is still under 30 years old and has already become a staple on Monday Night Raw. Though he has had a few injuries over the years, his body type should be conducive to taking the grind of the job with minimal breaks. Another thing that will keep him on the WWE payroll is, unlike Cena, his acting career seems to be non-existent and wrestling seems to be his passion, his 'legacy'. Orton is explosive, deceptive, and conniving which makes him a great heel going on in the future. The only thing that could ever hurt him is a face turn or an early retirement that may be in the books in a few years time.

Kofi Kingston
The Ghana born superstar has taken wrestling by storm since he joined ECW in 2006. His high flying and athletic kicks make every match he's in a must watch. During the last MITB at Wrestlemania 25, he stole the show making for some insane spots during the match. Kofi has yet to be bitten by a serious injury bug, which is unusual for his style, but if he stays dedicated, I see Kingston staying in the upper mid card and maybe challenging for a World Title one day.

CM Punk
The Straight Edge Super Star has impressed many since joining the WWE on a full time basis from ROH. He's not your usual World Champion, but the more he holds the title, the better he gets. Already a two time MITB champ, and a successful heel and face run, you know this guy has what it takes to stay in it for the long run. This is one of those guys you don't see leaving the WWE at anytime, and being able to play the heel and face as well as anyone in the business can only help his staying power.

John Morrison
Morrison's talent knows no bounds. as the former tag team champ has moved on to singles action and hasn't missed a beat. He has the build that Vince likes and athleticism that you just can't learn. As long as he keeps up the positive backstage vibe, he will be multi-time World Champion. One of my personal favorites, Morrison should be in the title picture sometime next year after Wrestlemania 26.

Evan Bourne
'Air' Bourne is like no other talent in wrestling. He combines the high flying of Mysterio with the sheer athleticism of Kofi. His finisher is the difficult Shooting Star press, that, as Brock Lesnar knows, is not the easiest thing to pull off. His style isn't conducive to staying healthy, but has come on strong as one of the best young talents in the biz. As long as he stays away from the doctor's office, he will be a staple in the coming future.

Ted Dibiase
The son of the Million Dollar Man has shown that he can handle the main event scene. He has already started acting and his mic work is incredible for his time so far. A great ring worker who has benefited from working with Orton. He is most likely going to turn face soon and follow in Randy's footsteps. Don't be surprised if he gets the strap sooner rather than later.

Others To Look Out For-
DH Smith- Great worker, just needs an opportunity to shine.
Miz- Has improved greatly in the ring, I just hope he doesn't leave to go back to MTV.
Cody Rhodes- Not as good as DiBiase, but will get his time to shine soon
Jack Swagger- The prototypical guy Vince loves to push, but the lisp may keep him from excelling.
Santino Marella- Needs some ring time, but will be a comedic staple for years.
Dolph Ziggler- He has all the skills, just needs to avoid the steroids.
Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness- Yet to be rebranded, but rumor has it that they will skip developmental and take the fast track to WWE greatness.

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