Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Host With The Most: Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban

Tale of the Tape-

Age- 51

Billed From- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Alma Mater- Indiana University

Net Worth- $2.3 Billion


· Owner of the Dallas Mavericks

· Co-Owner of 2929 Entertainment

· Chairman of HDNet

Connection To The WWE- He was rumored to be in connection with Vince and Linda McMahon about starting a MMA promotion that would rival UFC.

Why You Should Watch- Cuban is the fiery type that loves to mix it up with referees on the hardwood and Monday should be no different. Expect him to try and make some big sort of noise when he arrives and makes himself the focal point of the night. Hey, he’ll be better then Verne Troyer, even if he does botch some names which is almost a guarantee come the 7th.

Why You Shouldn’t Watch- Cuban will put himself as the show’s focal point and if you’re a traditional fan, it will bug the crap out of you when he botches the names and lines. The Monday Night Football game is decent, but not really the best one out there. Another reason to watch in moderation is the obligatory Divas match that will pit a Maverick jersey clad face side against no affiliation heels. Not like we haven’t seen that before WWE……

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The People Have Spoken

No Holds Barred is proud to announce the new Queen of Tuesday Nights: Maria. In what looked like a run away for Mickie James, slowly slipped from her grasp and went the way of the sultry red head. Now for what you all have been waiting for, some pics.

Thank you very much Maria for being so gorgeous and we all hope you have a great reign as the the 2009 Diva of the Year for No Holds Barred (till October 2010). Oh yeah, and please contact us if you're ever up in the Bangor area, we would love to meet you.

Wrestler Of The Week- SABU


AKA- Terry Brunk

Billed From-

· Saudi Arabia

· Bombay, India

· Bombay, Michigan

Finishers- Arabian Clutch & Arabian Facebuster

Nickname- “The Homicidal, Suidcidal, Genocidal, Death-Defying (Maniac) ”

Music- “Haku Blues”


· ECW Heavyweight Champion (2x)

· ECW Tag Team Champion (6x)

· ECW Television Champion (1x)

· NWA Independent Champion (1x)

· Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s #5 Wrestler In PWI’s Top 500 For 1995

When his distinctive entrance music hit, you knew the next match was about to steal the show. Sabu was that rare wrestler that would put his body on the line, no matter how crazy the spot or situation was. He was trained by the legendary Sheik and garnered fans early on for his deranged nature and total disregard of his opponent’s health or his own. Making his first big break on the ECW promotion, Sabu was depicted as a maniacal, deranged wrestler with a knack for demolishing tables. Some notable matches in his first ECW run featured a three-way contest at The Night The Line Was Crossed against Shane Douglas and Terry Funk, and his tag team battle with Taz against Public Enemy in a double ladder match for the strap.

Sabu would have a short run in WCW before returning back to the “extreme” promotion, where he notably fought Terry Funk in a no rope barbed wire match. The battle saw both men bleed profusely and was so graphic and horrifying that Paul Heyman said he would “never ever dare to schedule another one like it”. During his second ECW run, Sabu endured many injuries including breaking his neck twice, among also breaking his ribs and jaw.

After his second run at ECW commenced, he went to TNA where he had some notable feuds with Raven and Abyss that included some violent stipulations matches that incorporated chairs, barbed wire and tacks. He later signed a contract with the WWE in 2006. He was granted a World Heavyweight Title shot at One Night Stand against Rey Mysterio that went to a No Contest after both men were deemed unable to compete after a bad table bump. Sabu would later earn another title shot, this time for John Cena’s WWE Championship at the companies’ Vengeance pay per view. He lost that Extreme Lumberjack match and then went on to fight against the Big Show to try and win the newly reinstituted ECW Championship. After failing on numerous occasions to win the strap, Sabu would later move on from the main event picture and got involved with the New Breed feud before being eventually being let go by the WWE in mid 2007.

Sabu has recently done a few independent bookings in the United States and Mexico, but has been limited due to back issues. Though it appears his days of extreme wrestling may be coming to an end, Sabu has left a lasting impact on the wrestling landscape. He revolutionized the use of tables in matches for years to come and also his unique use of a chair to use as jumping leverage will probably never be seen again. Sabu truly is an extreme legend that not only earned his induction into the Hardcore Hall of Fame in 2009, but also his aptly fitting nickname “The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Death-Defying Sabu”.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Content Coming!!!

There will be some new features coming to NHB on this site, as well as on the show.

While the content is produced, take some time to review our amazing YouTube videos on the sidebar on the right, join our Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/MaineBlackBears?ref=search&sid=754530514.1100999812..1#/pages/No-Holds-Barred/206010391933?ref=ts, and vote for The Best Young WWE Superstar.

We promise some fun stuff is about to be heading your way so stay tuned....

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hell In A Cell

One of the most demonic matches ever to be conceived is about to hit the big time with its own concept pay per view. With 'Hell In A Cell' only a few weeks away, it seems only fitting to give some of the matches' vital and tell the reasons why it is one of the most entertaining match stipulations in the history of the WWF/E.

The Cell

Height- 16 ft. (originally), 20 ft. (current)
Weight- 2 tons (originally), 5 tons (current)
Matches- 16 matches in total (2 tag team matches)
Debut- Oct. 5, 1997, Bad Blood
Most Matches Participated In- Undertaker (9) and Triple H (7) (Both most likely adding one to that total in the next ppv)
Longest Match- Triple H b. Shawn Michaels, 47 minutes and 26 seconds, June 14, 2004 Bad Blood
Shortest Match- Mankind vs. Kane, 7 minutes and 41 seconds (No Contest) and Undertaker b. The Big Bossman, 9 minutes and 46 second, March 29, 1998 Wrestlemania XV
Best Match- Undertaker b. Mankind, June 28, 1998 King of the Ring.
Known for the incredible spots took by Mankind off and through the cell, the match was awarded the match of the year by PWI in 2008.
Cell History- Restructured in 2006 to be taller by 4 feet and sturdier for combatants by adding 3 more tons of steel.

With such a rich history, this Pay Per View in October may be actually watchable. Though the storylines may not be up to par to those in the years past, you can count on one thing; these matches are going to be brutal. Pray for someone to wear the crimson mask at least once during the night, or it will just seem like another normal match with an obstructed view.

--Bryan Stackpole

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Next Generation

With the Attitude Era fading fast from our memory, and the last remnants of the wrestlers from that time finishing their careers, it is now time for the E, more than ever, to push their young stars. Triple H isn't getting any younger, and there are only so many more Wrestlemanias the Undertaker can dominate. The next generation should be exciting, but they need to avoid injuries and hope creative gives them the proper gimmicks to start a wrestling revival. So without further ado, here are Superstars that should be leading the WWE into the next decade.

John Cena
You can harp all day on whether you like him or hate him, but the fact of the matter is he is here to stay. He has become the face of the WWE among a slew of veterans, and has been booked to be unstoppable since adorning his 'Marine' gimmick. Cena may be limited in the ring to his '5 moves of death', but he is still a great showman and puts the butts in the seats. The only thing Cena needs to be dominant and a mainstay in the main event, is just one heel turn to break up the Superman-like persona that many hate with a passion. Many feel he would jump ship for an acting career in the future, but Cena, unlike the Rock, seems committed to wrestling and most likely will be a lifer if his body can take it. Just please for the love of God, give him a new gimmick soon.

Randy Orton
The top heel in the game is still under 30 years old and has already become a staple on Monday Night Raw. Though he has had a few injuries over the years, his body type should be conducive to taking the grind of the job with minimal breaks. Another thing that will keep him on the WWE payroll is, unlike Cena, his acting career seems to be non-existent and wrestling seems to be his passion, his 'legacy'. Orton is explosive, deceptive, and conniving which makes him a great heel going on in the future. The only thing that could ever hurt him is a face turn or an early retirement that may be in the books in a few years time.

Kofi Kingston
The Ghana born superstar has taken wrestling by storm since he joined ECW in 2006. His high flying and athletic kicks make every match he's in a must watch. During the last MITB at Wrestlemania 25, he stole the show making for some insane spots during the match. Kofi has yet to be bitten by a serious injury bug, which is unusual for his style, but if he stays dedicated, I see Kingston staying in the upper mid card and maybe challenging for a World Title one day.

CM Punk
The Straight Edge Super Star has impressed many since joining the WWE on a full time basis from ROH. He's not your usual World Champion, but the more he holds the title, the better he gets. Already a two time MITB champ, and a successful heel and face run, you know this guy has what it takes to stay in it for the long run. This is one of those guys you don't see leaving the WWE at anytime, and being able to play the heel and face as well as anyone in the business can only help his staying power.

John Morrison
Morrison's talent knows no bounds. as the former tag team champ has moved on to singles action and hasn't missed a beat. He has the build that Vince likes and athleticism that you just can't learn. As long as he keeps up the positive backstage vibe, he will be multi-time World Champion. One of my personal favorites, Morrison should be in the title picture sometime next year after Wrestlemania 26.

Evan Bourne
'Air' Bourne is like no other talent in wrestling. He combines the high flying of Mysterio with the sheer athleticism of Kofi. His finisher is the difficult Shooting Star press, that, as Brock Lesnar knows, is not the easiest thing to pull off. His style isn't conducive to staying healthy, but has come on strong as one of the best young talents in the biz. As long as he stays away from the doctor's office, he will be a staple in the coming future.

Ted Dibiase
The son of the Million Dollar Man has shown that he can handle the main event scene. He has already started acting and his mic work is incredible for his time so far. A great ring worker who has benefited from working with Orton. He is most likely going to turn face soon and follow in Randy's footsteps. Don't be surprised if he gets the strap sooner rather than later.

Others To Look Out For-
DH Smith- Great worker, just needs an opportunity to shine.
Miz- Has improved greatly in the ring, I just hope he doesn't leave to go back to MTV.
Cody Rhodes- Not as good as DiBiase, but will get his time to shine soon
Jack Swagger- The prototypical guy Vince loves to push, but the lisp may keep him from excelling.
Santino Marella- Needs some ring time, but will be a comedic staple for years.
Dolph Ziggler- He has all the skills, just needs to avoid the steroids.
Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness- Yet to be rebranded, but rumor has it that they will skip developmental and take the fast track to WWE greatness.

Monday, September 14, 2009

We Need Your Help!!!

We here at No Holds Barred are having some trouble deciding who is the best looking Diva in the WWE. Knowing that we have a rabid and passionate fan base for our show, we thought that we should let you, our loyal fans, determine the No Holds Barred’s Current Diva of the Year.

Now, for our contestants…



· Women’s Champion (3 times)

· Ranked 3rd in PWI’s 2009 Best Female Wrestlers

Melina broke into the scene in 2005 as the valet for the once feared MNM. Dazzling crowds with her unique ring entrance, she became a staple at WWE events. Once she became a singles wrestler, she took off on her own, earning the coveted Women’s Title a total of three times. Melina can be found frequenting the ring on Friday Night Smackdown as she looks to add another title reign to her resume.


Kelly Kelly


· Member of Extreme Expose

· Ranked 32nd in PWI’s 2009 Best Female Wrestlers

The Diva so nice they named her twice. Kelly broke into ECW in 2006 becoming the youngest Diva to ever appear on WWE programming. What she lacks in actual wrestling fame, she makes up for charm. Currently on Raw, you can see Kelly rough it up in the ring, much to the delight of the King.




· 2008 Playboy Cover Girl

· Ranked 29th in PWI’s 2009 Best Female Wrestlers

Maria started out in 2005 as Raw’s main interviewer, but has since progressed to the ring as well. Now starring on Friday Nights, Maria is a force to be reckoned with. This former Playboy Playmate may look sweet and innocent, but she can pack a punch.




· WWE Diva Champion (1 time)

· Ranked 9th in PWI’s 2009 Best Female Wrestlers

This French vixen made her debut in 2006 and took Smackdown by storm. She mixes beauty, brains, and athleticism to beat her opponents, which led her to win the Diva’s Title earlier in the year. She now makes her home on Monday Night where she is as dominant as ever.


Mickie James


· Women’s Champion (4 times)

· WWE Diva Champion (1 time)

· Ranked 1st in PWI’s 2009 Best Female Wrestlers

The veteran of the group making her first appearance in 1999, Mickie came on to the scene emulating Trish Stratus. Not only did she copy her good looks, but also her success, as Mickie is arguably the most dominant Diva in the WWE today. She still is going strong on Raw as she is the current Diva Champion.

(To vote go to the sidebar on the right and click on your favorite while the poll lasts)