Mark Cuban
Tale of the Tape-
Age- 51
Billed From- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Alma Mater- Indiana University
Net Worth- $2.3 Billion
· Owner of the Dallas Mavericks
· Co-Owner of 2929 Entertainment
· Chairman of HDNet
Connection To The WWE- He was rumored to be in connection with Vince and Linda McMahon about starting a MMA promotion that would rival UFC.
Why You Should Watch- Cuban is the fiery type that loves to mix it up with referees on the hardwood and Monday should be no different. Expect him to try and make some big sort of noise when he arrives and makes himself the focal point of the night. Hey, he’ll be better then Verne Troyer, even if he does botch some names which is almost a guarantee come the 7th.
Why You Shouldn’t Watch- Cuban will put himself as the show’s focal point and if you’re a traditional fan, it will bug the crap out of you when he botches the names and lines. The Monday Night Football game is decent, but not really the best one out there. Another reason to watch in moderation is the obligatory Divas match that will pit a Maverick jersey clad face side against no affiliation heels. Not like we haven’t seen that before WWE……